Today was a good day.
I got to work and was told I had to go cover the opening of the athlete's village for the Coeur d'Alene Ironman( a world renowned event).
"ugh." I thought.
I go check it out and it's a huge ordeal with circus tents, video boards, thousands of people, new car and trucks on platforms, and other intimidating stuff.
I walked around it 3 times, sat on a bench and thought about how much I didn't want to walk up to complete strangers and ask them what they thought about the spectacle... about how much I didn't want to track down the person in charge. I contemplated leaving and secretly packing my things to run away.
I thought about how I didn't want to be a journalist. About how I'd waisted my college career studying something that I didn't want to pursue professionally.
Then I grew a pair, said "fuck it" and started talking to people about everything. Not just the "village" but about ironman races and the mentality required to run a marathon, swim 3 miles and bike 112 in one day.
Then I got back to the office with 10 pages of scribble, AKA "notes" and again, became overwhelmed.
But I got in the zone and wrote-- if I may say-- a pretty damn good article full of vivid descriptions and subtle humor.
"Good," I though. " I'm done for the day."
My boss brings me a press release about the local police arresting and jailing the wrong Martha Williams. I had to get on the horn and call the police, county sheriff dept, county courts, local jail, prosecutors, attorneys, store-owners, and family member of the wrongly-arrested and write a story lickety-split. AND argue with a local police Sgt. until she released the mug-shot to me so the paper could run it.
It turned out good. I was done by 4 p.m. People in the office gave me props and I left early to wash my car.
If I meet my future wife tonight my confidence will balloon to epic proportions.
wish me luck.